
The Old Barn, The Milky Way

A Devon Wedding at The Old Barn in November

So, this wedding…What a dream to shoot!

I hadn’t met Sam or Dom before but we had a brief chat a couple of days before to just run through a few things and I knew straight away we were in for a fab wedding.  As Dom was encouraged for input and talked, quiet flatly, about his upcoming nuptials, I chuckled as I could feel his dry sense of humour and felt in total safe hands! Sam, on the other hand, I could just feel beaming down the phone. Considering this was our first chat, her personality is absolutely incredible and made me feel like I just wanted to jump on the M5 and get the wedding started as soon as possible as there was no doubt they were in store for a great day.

The couple, now living in London, headed to Sam’s home town of Bideford for the weekends festivities. As far as I know, The Old Barn, located on the funfair site at The Milky Way, hadn’t done too many weddings before but you would just never tell. It was a slick, fun, cosy and totally beautiful day involving a wonderfully light, grape vine entwined ceremony, rustic, white washed barn reception, amazing pies, a macaroon topped cake, dodgems and lots and lots of love & laughing (oh and a double decker bus and a moody passenger …awks!).

The bridesmaids were glam personified, with their Carvella shoes and furry coats and Sam’s dress was simply simple and fitted her tiny frame perfectly. Let’s face it, Sam is stunning. She could have been wearing her pj’s still and you would barely notice as when you meet her, her smile is just captivating! Dom and the boys, obviously very sharp in their grey tweed, only slightly outshone by Sam’s Dad 😉

One of the most wonderful things of the day, was one of the gifts that Dom had brought for Sam in the morning. It was a book that Dom wrote and illustrated of ‘Samantharisms’ . HA!!! When you get to the pic of the book, please stop and have a look. I think I know them as ‘Eggcorns’!? No-one else seemed to have heard of that, but I’m sure that’s right!? Well, even if not, they are hilarious. Absolutely top marks on that Dom, they still make me chuckle when I think about them! ‘Sam – ‘When I wanted a new bike, Dad took me to Harrords‘. – Dom- ‘are you sure he didn’t take you to Halfords? – Sam-‘Oh yeah, that was it‘. haha.

This wedding was also a first for me in wedding dodgems! You’d think a day of fizzy alcohol, a stonkingly great pie meal and dodgems may not go!? you’d be sooo wrong! I’d also like to say a big thank you to the dodgem boys who drove me around backwards and saved me smashing my face with my camera whilst I was trying to capture the action! (Risky but absolutely worth it 😉 )

Thank you so much for reading the blog, I promise I will try and do more this year. My memory and writing is terrible, so I will try and include more useful facts in future too! If you’re planning a wedding that’s even an ounce like this one, I would LOVE to hear from you!

Small side note, I would like to make a personal thank you from me and Dad, to Dom, Sam and their families for making me feel so welcome and looking after me so bloody well. You guys absolutely rocked.

old barn devon wedding

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